As your Ingham County Commissioner, I am a longtime Eastside resident. I love Lansing and I love my neighborhood. As a homeowner for more than 25 years, I understand the challenges and opportunities ahead of us. My wife, Maryann, was raised in the Grosbeck neighborhood where her mother still lives. She attended Post Oak Elementary and Eastern High School. I am a graduate of Michigan State’s James Madison College and a proud Alumni. I’ve raised two children in our Eastside neighborhood and spent many hours at the park playing Frisbee with my dog while conversing with neighbors and other dog lovers.
I have a long history of improving our community. From coaching youth football for 10 plus years for the Eastside Spartans (now the Jr. Quakers), to serving as Cubmaster and Scoutmaster in area scouting. As FFTA President at Fairview Elementary, I worked closely with families, parents, teachers and administrators to ensure a quality education. As an active member of the Eastside Neighborhood Organization, I’ve participated in neighborhood paint blitzes, food pantries and flower planting. I was appointed as the First Ward Commissioner for the Lansing Board of Water & Light in 2009 and was recently reappointed by Mayor Andy Schor in 2018.
A lifelong democrat, I am proud to have worked for the last State Senate Democratic Majority Leader, Bill Faust and former State House Speaker, Curtis Hertel Sr. I am currently employed by the Spicer Group engineering firm as a Public Affairs Representative and serve as Board Chair for the Mid-Michigan Environmental Coalition.
County government plays an essential role in providing support systems in our life on Lansing’s eastside. From the County Health Department, to the County Courts, to block development grants, to animal control -- the impact that County government has on your life is enormous. I believe that the Ingham County government has a responsibility to be transparent and engage our citizens. As your County Commissioner, I promise I will always put your best interests forward!
Questions, concerns, complaints?
Contact me at or by calling me at 517-388-5378
As your County Commissioner, I have many responsibilities but here are my major priorities:
Regionalism and Collaboration
In an era of dwindling budgets for local governments, the time is now for Ingham County to examine how we can become a regional hub with shared services. We need County leadership to build strong relationships and partnerships that leverage our resources into quality services with quality workers for prosperity in our region.
Safe and stable neighborhoods
Safe neighborhoods don’t happen by accident. Neighborhood watch and community policing are essential components. We also need to protect victims and ensure that we can properly house prisoners in the City of Lansing and in the Ingham County jail. This requires a strong judicial system that requires County support for prosecutors, judges and sheriff services.
Budget stability and Economic Development
Because of state budget cuts to local units of governments, municipalities are forced to do more with less. We need a shared economic vision that will create good paying jobs and ensure smart, long term investments to eliminate our legacy costs. Strong job training support is needed for our skilled trades. We must have the financial resources for a strong and stable budget that will provide needed County services to our residents.
Roads and Infrastructure
Our state leaders have failed to provide us with a long-term solution to maintaining our roads and basic infrastructure. We need an asset management plan that will prioritize our assets and put necessary resources into maintaining them. We can’t kick the can down the road anymore, damaged roads, bridges and sidewalks need to be fixed today. Ingham County must be a leader in repairing our roads.
Protection of a Sustainable Environment for better Health
Ingham County has a long history of protecting our sustainable resources. Proper land use, clean air, and water protection are keys to our quality of life. We need to continue moving forward with energy efficiency improvements, green energy, proper land use and clean water. This means working closely with our County Health Department to ensure resources and protections are in place for our residents.