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Community Advocacy Organization

Above and Beyond Repairs-David Smith of Capital Macintosh

Photo by Savitra McClurkin-David Smith of Capital Macintosh

David Smith grew up in Lake Odessa Michigan and has resided in Lansing for about eighteen years. He is a Michigan State University Graduate with a degree in Agriculture. A good friend of David asked him if he would be interested in doing something different. Little did he know that he would be managing a repair shop for Macintosh. He is no techie, although he enjoys learning about new apple products as well as making sure that consumers receive the proper help they need with repairs.

It was amazing how David answered every question asked considering he doesn’t classify himself as a techie. I beg to differ. When asked the difference between Apple and Windows and he responded “Apple designs hardware and software whereas Windows is just software. Nine times out of ten windows is cheaper which makes them more popular but less effective when you consider viruses. Apple makes its own hardware and software which makes its own eco system. The eco system controls their own codes which makes apple electronics less susceptible to catch a virus.”

David has been computing for twenty-two years with no regrets. Capitol Macintosh has been located at 1915 E. Michigan Ave in Lansing for twelve years. I asked if the recession effected the business and what was the secret to the success of Capitol Macintosh. David answered by stating “If anything, the recession helped business because consumers were forced to get their electronics fixed versus buying new ones.” David feels that Capitol Macintosh has been successful as a result of Apple’s success. In addition, Capital Macintosh treats the electronics of the consumers with great care. The technicians at Capitol Macintosh take pride in their work. All of the technicians are certified through Apple with every single product, so you can be assured they are the real deal. They check for Malware, Hard Drive space, Hard Drive errors, RAM issues, Backup failures, Missing hardware, RAID issues, and more to ensure the quality of repairs. The technicians want to do their best so consumers don’t lose their personal documents such as pictures etc.

Due to the strategic procedures that your electronics may undergo at Capitol Macintosh you can expect to spend at least two-hundred dollars. This price is extremely reasonable when you consider that your electronics will be fixed within two to three days, unless it’s within the months of August and September when students are going back to school.

Capitol Macintosh does all their repairs in house which sets them apart from the Apple Store. Also Apple employees don’t have to get certified with every product. Capitol Macintosh does sell new Apple products but they specialize in repair.

Lastly I felt it was imperative to ask David where he saw himself in ten years as well as the future Apple and Windows. With a smile on his face he proudly said, “I hope I’ll be on a beach somewhere.” As for Apple and Windows David feels that technology will be more mobile in the future. He thinks that Apple and Windows will merge and ultimately there will be less of a difference between the two. Too bad us humans can’t function as computers do.

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