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Mila Lynn & Torrey Gray Inktober 2021 Project

Courtesy Photo-Inktober 2021 (L to R) Mila Lynn & Torrey Gray

(Lansing, MI) – Lansing based Visual Artist Mila Lynn & Detroit based Hip Hop Artist & Music Producer Torrey Gray are once again partnering up for Inktober & participating in the 2021 Inktober Challenge created by New York Times Best Selling Illustrator Jake Parker. Like last year’s project, Mila’s 2021 Collection will consist of 31 all new pieces of art that will be generated using daily prompts provided by Jake Parker’s Official Inktober Event. Torrey Gray will create a piece of music for each daily prompt that will accompany a daily time lapse video of Mila creating each piece of artwork. Torrey is the first known musical artist to create music specifically based off of the prompts from Inktober.

Courtesy Photo-Inktober Prompt List

Throughout the entire month of October, all of the artwork created by Mila Lynn each day will be on display in Downtown Lansing at Midtown Brewing Company. “We are excited & thankful for Midtown Brewing Company & Mr. Leslie’s Cheesecakes for sponsoring this year’s project,” said Mila Lynn. Once each piece of visual art is created by Mila, it will be released for $125.00 at 8pm eastern time each night on Instagram @mindofmila. The first person to comment ‘SOLD’ in the comment section of the post will receive that piece. “Last year, one of the pieces sold in 3 seconds, and another in 27 seconds, so we are telling people to be ready to go right at 8pm,” said Lynn. Torrey Gray’s prompt specific music will also be released at 8pm eastern each day on Soundcloud:

Courtesy Photo-Mila at Midtown

The Inktober project also encourages local creatives to dive into their crafts and stretch their creative muscle based on a word prompt list released by Jake Parker each year at this time. It also reminds the arts community that people do indeed enjoy and support the arts here in Lansing. “This event brought a lot of people together last year during isolation,” said Torrey Gray. “We are excited to be doing it on a grander scale in 2021.” Local Artists who are also taking part in Inktober include Autumn Hopkins & Melina Brann who were a part of Mila & Torrey’s 2020 Inktober Closeout event, as well as KT the Conscious Poet, & visual artist Christina Castilla.

Courtesy Photo-Mila and Torrey walking together in style

Mila & Torrey will be giving out a $200 cash prize to one local creative at the end of the month. To be eligible, a creative has to do 3 things. 1) Like Mila's Inktober Post on Instagram 2) Comment at least one sentence on the post 3) Share the post to their story each day via Instagram. Mila & Torrey will be sharing via their Instagram stories what others artists have created who decide to be involved. A raffle for the winner will take place at the end of the month. To get involved, contact Mila Lynn @mindofmila on Instagram. If you choose to participate, make sure to tag @mindofmila and @iamgray__ so they can share your creations with their followers.

About Inktober:

Inktober is a month long art challenge created by Artist Jake Parker in 2009 that is focused on improving skill and developing positive drawing habits. Every day for the month of October anyone participating in the Inktober challenge creates an ink drawing and posts it online. Inktober has grown into a worldwide challenge with artists from around the world participating every year. Starting in 2016, Jake Parker created the Official Inktober Prompt List with a different word assigned to each day of the month. Some of the prompt words for 2021 include Vessel, Sour, Fuzzy, & Slither. Be sure to use & follow the hashtags #inktober, #inktober2021, #mindofmila & #definedetroit on Instagram to stay up to date on all of the campaigns.


***Mila Lynn & Torrey Gray’s 2021 Inktober Campaign & give-a-way is separate from the Official Inktober Event hosted by Jake Parker, do not contact Jake Parker or Inktober directly for details. Mila & Torrey are participating in the event as individual participants, and not as official Inktober partners.***

For More Information about Mila Lynn, and her 2021 Inktober Campaign visit:

To hear Torrey Gray’s Ink21 Playlist, visit:

For a list of Inktober Rules visit:

Frequently Asked Questions about Inktober:

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