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Community Advocacy Organization

Patricia Spitzley launches mayoral campaign-“MOVING LANSING FORWARD TOGETHER”

On April 14, 2021 Lansing City Council member Patricia Spitzley officially announced her mayoral campaign, courtesy photo

LANSING – Patricia Spitzley, a City Council member and lifelong Lansing resident, formally launched her campaign for election as Lansing’s 53rd mayor.

“Lansing faces big challenges, and the mayor’s job is to make sure we tackle these challenges together -- drawing on the best ideas and energy of all the people in our city,” Spitzley said today. “My commitment to you is that we will get up every morning and go to work for all the people, in all our neighborhoods, respectively and inclusively.”

Spitzley’s approach to serving as Mayor will emphasize:

● Community inclusion and input from residents in every neighborhood

● Transparency and accountability for decision-making and the budgeting process in the Mayor’s office

● A commitment to bringing diverse groups and interests together and finding common ground

● Transforming Public Safety so it truly protects all Lansing residents

“Lansing can no longer afford business-as-usual. People are tired of the same litany of bad decisions and empty promises that misguide us about city funds and spend our money on political paybacks that have nothing to do with our neighborhoods and the daily lives of people who live here. We need a Mayor who listens and brings us together for our common purpose of a strong and united Lansing. With your support, I will be that Mayor.”

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