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Community Advocacy Organization

Teenager admits to shooting spree at Oxford high school that killed 4 students

Photo courtesy of the Detroit Free Press

16-year-old Ethan Crumbley is now officially a convicted murderer. This morning the teenager admitted he was responsible for the shooting rampage at Oxford high school in metro-Detroit last November 30th.

Crumbley killed 4 of his fellow classmates and wounded 6 other kids plus one teacher.

According to media reports, he also dropped a bit of a ‘bombshell’ in court today….telling the judge that he gave his dad the cash to buy him the gun he used in the massacre, and that the gun was easy to get to -- contradicting his parents' claims that the gun was stored securely.

Speaking of them, James and Jennifer Crumbley are facing charges of involuntary manslaughter related to allegations regarding their son's access to the murder weapon.

Ethan Crumbley now faces the prospect of life in prison with no chance for parole when he's sentenced in a couple of months.

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