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Community Advocacy Organization

Lift Every Voice and Sing

Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing - often called "The Black National Anthem" - was written as a poem by James Weldon Johnson (1871-1938) and then set to music by his brother John Rosamond Johnson (1873-1954) in 1899. It was first performed in public in the Johnsons' hometown of Jacksonville, Florida as part of a celebration of Lincoln's Birthday on February 12, 1900 by a choir of 500 schoolchildren at the segregated Stanton School, where James Weldon Johnson was principal.

This song depicts a legacy that is a part of each of us today. Its a reminder that we must be a positive part of the future by accepting our responsibility to be knowledgeable and vocal about current issues, and fearlessly involved in bringing about a better future. The road that we trod is still stony. Only with our steady beat will the road continue to improve. ou can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. Selecting 'Edit Text' from this menu will also allow you to edit the text within this text box. Remember to keep your wording friendly, approachable and easy to understand as if you were talking to your customer

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